Weekly Image #33, and a promise

First the promise: I have been neglecting this blog for the past half year or so, and only posted the occasional image. This was due to being pretty busy with other things in my life, and also because I have not been engaging in much photography recently. Now that I have some free time on my hand, I intend to dust it off and pepper it with new images, starting with the current family trip to the alps, but also including new reviews and all sorts of articles. I promise.

Now the image: as mentioned above I am currently on vacation in the Dolomites with my parents and brother, doing some casual hiking and (hopefully) also some light mountaineering and via ferrata soon. Yesterday we walked a loop around the Tre Cime di Lavaredo, a stunning rock formation made up of three magnificent peaks. Starting late in the day, around 16:30, to escape the crowds of tourists and get the best light, we finished our walk just as the sun set. The above image was taken early in the walk, around 17:00, and shows my brother looking towards the peaks in the south. And yes, I admit I made him run down there just for the image 😉

Taken with the Pentax K3 and Sigma 17-50 f/2.8 HSM at f/8, 1/80th sec. and ISO 200, at 23 mm.

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